What is in your worry bag right NOW?

People often think of many different things when they think of what a financial planner does.

Investments, insurance and superannuation are some of the “things” people suggest are the main roles of what a financial planner can offer. In a transactional model, this would be a fair assumption. Generally, when the relationship with a financial planner is transaction based, there is less substance to the personal relationship.

Understanding what is important to a client, BEFORE implementing any of the strategies and recommendations is vitally important to a long term, trusting relationship with a professional financial planner.

Before discussing “What” investments or structures to implement, at Evolution Financial Planning, we spend the time at our Discovery Meetingseeking from you:

  • What is keeping you up at night?
  • Do you have any issues seeking urgent attention?
  • What does retirement mean to you?

As you can see, we are more interested in what your plans, concerns and issues are. When we understand what is worrying you, then we can look to solutions that will assist.

The common thread as advised to us by clients is that we take the worry of managing money away. By having a third party understand your family’s situation and to assist you manage your personal balance sheet, you have somebody who is not emotionally attached or stuck in the eye of the storm.

There may be conflict when discussing what options to undertake between family members, but when we can layout those options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages, then the road forward seems a lot clearer and defined. This is the real benefit to our clients.

So please, take some time to think about this and answer the following:

“What is the single biggest obstacle that is stopping your family attaining a great and fulfilling life?”

If you have no worries at all, you are lucky and we wish you the best.

For those of you that have some concerns, feel free to email me and you will receive our Goals review page, or call me on (02) 6681 1911 to arrange a time to discuss.

This is the real benefit of engaging with a trusted Financial Planner.

photo credit: betta design via photopin cc

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